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3 Halves Labs

About 3 Halves Labs

A Few Words About Us

We are
industry leading

3 Halves Labs is a team of industry professionals with a diverse array of skills and backgrounds, united by a shared passion for transforming the world of sports and entertainment through strategy, marketing, and technology. We leverage our combined experience and unique insights to craft tailored solutions, driving fan engagement and revolutionizing the digital landscape.

Our team boasts experts in strategy who have honed their craft in a variety of high-stakes environments. They bring a deep understanding of the industry's challenges and opportunities, and an unyielding commitment to delivering innovative solutions that align with the specific goals of our partners.

In marketing, our professionals are skilled at creating compelling narratives and building authentic connections. They masterfully navigate the digital marketing landscape, utilizing AI and web3 technologies to engage fans in a meaningful way, and boost content monetization.

When it comes to technology, our team's expertise is unmatched. We are at the cutting edge of AI and web3 technologies, pioneering their use in the sports and entertainment industry. Our technologists harness the power of these technologies to build immersive and personalized experiences for fans worldwide.

At 3 Halves Labs, we believe that our diverse experience and expertise are our greatest assets. They allow us to see the bigger picture, to anticipate and adapt to changes, and to continuously innovate and deliver exceptional results for our partners. Our team's collective dedication to excellence and innovation sets us apart and ensures our position as a leading force in the sports and entertainment digital transformation..

We only
with professionals.

You may recognize Hugh and Andy.

3 Halves Labs is in partnership with 2 Halves Ltd - a global sport sponsorship agency that specialises in creating mutually beneficial partnerships between rights holders and brands.

Watch this space as we announce our exciting new partners.


What We Offer


Strategy is our driving force. We believe in the power of a meticulously crafted strategy to unlock new opportunities in the digital landscape. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the sports and entertainment industry, coupled with an unrivaled expertise in AI and web3 technologies.


Technology is in our DNA. We are committed to harnessing the power of AI and web3 technologies to revolutionize the sports and entertainment industry. From private blockchain to advanced AI algorithms, we use cutting-edge tech to deliver personalized, immersive experiences.

Community Building

Community building lies at the heart of what we do. We believe in the power of community to bring people together and amplify their shared passions.


Marketing is about creating compelling narratives and fostering authentic connections. We utilize the full potential of digital marketing, powered by AI and web3 technologies, to boost fan engagement and increase content monetization.

Meet our leadership team

People behind our success

John Datseris

The essential blueprint for navigating complex landscapes.

Blake Medulan

Building teams and products efficiently and securely.

Advisory Board ensuring our success (coming shortly)